Anyone wants to compare notes on SLERP vs LERP for latent interpolation? My understanding and quick experiment 🧵👇 1/5

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Lighting practice.
A shader that produces something like this would be Lerp(texture*shadeColor,highlightColor, diffuse) diffuse is the saturated value of your cel shader.
In this case, shadecolor is red and pink at night, highlightColor be red and pale yellow.

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Yorick buffs:
* Ghoul health increased from 100 - 185 lerp + 15% HP to 110 - 212 + 20% HP
* Maiden health increased 300/1000/3000 + 70% HP to 350/1100/3300 + 75% HP

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The world needs more love ♥️

My current favourite notebook:
Lerp-Mix 50% with cc12m & OpenAIFinetune. Init image with 0.8 starting_noise, prompt: "A heart from flowers with infinite petals of infinite beauty" combined with various artists.

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"wtf does append mean in shader graph terms"
"Does if else statements exist in shader graph..???"
"Lerp? Comparison...?? Vector 0???"

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I'm done with trying to loop things, so back to lerp-ing I guess :-/

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Btw here is the cloud sea shader I worked on. Between a realistic cloud (3d perlin noise) and a stylized one. I lerp between colors depending on depth and density of the raymarch in the noise.

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I only update one or two boids per frame, and then bezier lerp them along. I was afraid this might cause oscillations, but if it does I'm not sure its even bad.

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Here's the chicken inside the game with some FRP powered camera lerp.

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Next, we take our clamped depth and use it to lerp between a shallow and a deep water color. We also use the clamped depth and plug it into the alpha slot of our material.

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