◎貴方のサークル「falenini's」は、月曜日 東地区 “H”ブロック-53a(東1ホール) に配置されました。


402 2863

Some of my boys!
Cassian🎶 bard hexblood | he/they
Lorien🦌 jelenin scientist with druidic and dark magic abilities | he/him
Tilia🌿satyr bard who wants to become a druid | he/they
Alistair☀️ a young wood elf with a kind, pure heart who lost all his memories | he/him

10 95

doomguy x louisa was my notp, but I didn't expect it to be like "super canon" so I didn't think it would happen (usually the heroine would be zelenin in some case)

but then sjr came, RIP (?)💀💀☠️☠️☠️
really sucks seeing my notp becoming a "common knowledge"

1 6

another spacesuit zelenin? astrogirl zelenin?

well, reminds me of my doodle where I draw strange journey x idolmaster parody

a c0mms result

54 162

◎貴方のサークル「falenini's」は、日曜日 西地区 “め” ブロック 32a に配置されました。


565 2662

Zelenin doing a whoopsie (her demonica broke midway rip)

A c0mmission result

275 969

slav squat zelenin (smt strange journey)

19 85

◎あなたのサークル「falenini's」は、土曜日 東地区 “a” ブロック 16a に配置されました。

Iroha Season 三冊目出します!よろしくです!!

735 3824

Lorien’s race is Jelenin. It is modeled on the appearance features and symbolism of the deer in many cultures. Jelenins have deer horns, ears and tail, and dense body hair in areas such as the legs, arms from the elbows down, lower back, neck, chest, sometimes even the arms.

0 5

◎あなたのサークル「falenini's」は 土曜日 東地区 “A” ブロック 23b に配置されています。


505 2685

"A burguesia liberal, dando reformas com uma das mãos, retira-as sempre com a outra, as reduz a nada, utiliza-as para subjugar os operários, para os dividir em diversos grupos, para perpetuar a escravidão assalariada dos trabalhadores"

~ Lenin

17 93

"Glory to Leninism!" Soviet postcard, 1967.

50 415