Last year i drew this fanart for Yunxi ge birthday
Now i change background a little bit

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My second Digital art, There might be mistakes since l am new to it

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Luo Yunxi 😍


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And BL Xianxia Drama Is Rumoured To Air On August 20th Or Late August


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[Shiseido Official Weibo] 210805
We already knew will be joining the livestream on August 8th at 3pm (China ST) but did you know Yunxi's virtual trainee Liberte will be there too?

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210805 Liberte official weibo update

- I heard Shiseido Live room on August 8 will have a big deal.Boss LuoYunxi gave me a mysterious mission.We will announce the details on live broadcast! Remember to watch on time -

(what mission?big deal?)😭

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this may be the sense of loss of farewell. Yunxi said "However, there is no permanent banquet in the world, and the things left by the characters and taught me will not disappear."

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(真的没有图了) ​
Copr. @十巴施十

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Artwork I did for Yunxi Ge's Birthday ~ I have long planned to make this into a fanart and now finally I have done. 💕
Happy 33th Birthday, Yunxi Ge. 💕
Do Not Repost!

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