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A mammoth book! Well, double elephant in size, actually! And brilliant. A great choice! I’ve drawn birds from #BirdsOfAmerica in my #LiverpoolLiverBirds book & talk about it a lot, including earlier this week at @CV_PrimarySch , on Saturday with @toxtethscouts & @VSLpool, too! https://t.co/jxwVhLZkj5
I’ve just dropped of paintings of Bella and Bertie for the talented young people at Liverpool Lighthouse to borrow. I can’t wait to see their show all about our city on Friday!
#aliharwood #artist #poet #writer #liverpooldpeaks #liverbirds #liverpool
Emma Rodgers’s monumental Liver Bird bronze from her current ‘Metamorphoses’ exhibition at our gallery.
@emmarodgersart #emmarodgers #metamorphoses #exhibition #blackmoregallery #lymm #cheshire #liverbird #liverpool #lfc #bronze #bronzesculpture #sculpture
Emma Rodgers’s monumental Liver Bird bronze from her current ‘Metamorphoses’ exhibition at our gallery.
@emmarodgersart #emmarodgers #metamorphoses #exhibition #blackmoregallery #lymm #cheshire #liverbird #liverpool #lfc #bronze #bronzesculpture #sculpture
Thank you everyone who joined us at P.V. #Metamorphoses
Sold! #LIVERBIRD #bronze
solo exhibition
#blackmoregallery solo exhibition
19th November- 23rd December
Thank you so much @blackmoregalery & @collectartgallery
Wishing everyone a positive summer solstice.
‘Liverpool Liver Birds, we are all one.
We are blessed with fine feathers and to shine like the sun…
#summersolstice #liverpoolliverbirds #artist #poet #buzzard #buteobuteo #illustration #illustrator #mcescher #liverpoolwrites
Bertie, the Liverbird standing on the East clock tower of the Liver Building, keeping a watch over the city. Some say he does it to make sure the pubs open on time!
His counterpart, Bella, on the river side tower keeps watch over the port.
...Red Rum is associated with this neck of the woods, training on the sands at Southport, plus winning the Grand National itself three times.
#RedRum #Mersey #merseyferry #LiverpoolLiverBirds #illustration #illustrator #BirkenheadPriory #GrandNational #Merseyside #UK #artist
Picture shows pupils @StVincentsL12 on a fact finder mission for "Birds Eye View" story Liverpool started in West Derby, can that be part of a story where a Liverbird flys to help a Golden Eagle? @EeveeFoxArt @CllrBMurray @BillingReeves @MerPolBAME @DsnMerpol #LiverpoolWrites
@berniehollywood @BillingReeves @BaldHeadteacher @StAmbroseSpeke @WhitefieldPS @AllSaintsL4 @StVincentsL12 Excited to share how the Liverbird goes to help the Golden Eagle in the 'Birds EYE view' wonder what can happen ? @CllrBMurray @EeveeFoxArt @AngLives @createchange_me @garymillar
Very excited to share the two-page comic I did about the Liver Birds as a part of @ToriaScribbles ' cryptids & mythology zine which was Kickstarted, the final panel is one of my favourite things I've drawn all year 🕊
Happy Doddy Day.
I’m so glad I got to experience Ken Dodd perform.
He was a master of his art.
He just had to appear in my Liverpool Liver Birds book.
#DoddyDay #KenDodd #LiverpoolLiverBirds #artist #poet
... From my Liverpool Liver Birds poetic picture book, many exciting things continue to evolve.
#Artist #greetingscards #LiverpoolLiverBirds #poetic #picturebook #Liverpool #illustrator #illustration #Merseyside #UK
My #LightNightatHome #LiverBird - thanks to @despite_monkey and @LightNightLpool 💜 https://t.co/j7Z8A3D9cL
All things will pass, including this storm...
‘At the end of a storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark’
#ynwa #youllneverwalkalone #kendodd #liverpoolliverbirds #liverbirds #liverpool #bessiebraddock #merseyside
Today is officially #internationaldayofbiologicaldiversity so here is an illustration from my LiverpoolLiverBirds #poetic #picturebook showing some of the fauna spotted in the #Mersey.
#artist #poet #writer #teacher #biodiversity