of my challenge was an up to Did it a mighty pace so I wouldn’t have to do a when I got home 😂

0 3

A map of space, by Daelin

Map is very large and split into four sections!


6 41

From the archives...

The Dominion, by GreatWhiteNorth

A former entry


7 26

Southern Thaladon, by Morton

"...entirely hand drawn using colored pencils and copic markers."


2 18

The City of Ktorr, by

"Here's a personal piece based on the bits of lore I wrote for a short story..."


7 43

Map of China XIIth Century - Wulin : Edition du Lotus Pourpre, by

Joint winner of Best Regional Map in last year's Atlas Awards


5 30

Domhantyr World Map, by

Winner of Best World Map in last year's Atlas Awards


4 21

Village of Formene, by

"In the lands of Greyvast, a realm near to the borders of Night and the far expanses of Grizhnor, is a village that sits deep in the Llani Forsests region..."


1 21

A handful of watercolor experiments, by

"Recently, I've tried my hand at watercolors. My goal is to be able to produce a satisfying traditional piece and to take some time off the screen..."


5 32

The World of Nossym, by

"This is the world of Nossym, which we created with my wife, to serve as a landscape for the adventures she writes..."


4 26

Detailed Atlas-Style Topo Map, “Deianerra”, by Peter Toth


1 21

From the archives...

The City of Brightwater, by Wingshaw

Commissioned map from 2016, hand-drawn then coloured, shaded and annotated digitally.


3 28

'Towers ... a big map', by

Commission for a private RPG party. Map measures 102x69cm! Made in Photoshop.

13 26

Valtoria, by

"Back in February, I was commissioned to draw a world map for a fresh DND dungeon master who wanted her world to be brought to life."


8 29

The Village of Mannhal, by

Another of Dan's Patreon maps, more info at the link below


6 33

Chêne, by

"...drawn by hand with fineliners on about three different A3 papers that were later edited together and colored in Photoshop."


12 40

City of Achlev, by

Created for book 'Bloodleaf', written by Crystal Smith, published by HMH.


16 69