The full lineup of the Herb Lubalin lectures for is online. Both in-person and live-stream options are available. Talks by , , , James Clough.

Register now for your free tickets:

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It’s Nice That interviews our most recent colleague, Jaeyou Chung, reviewing his work for Beijing’s X Museum. Being introduced to design legends Paula Scher + Herb Lubalin by his father at ten, it’s clear he was destined to be a designer. Welcome, Jaeyou.

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Fact. was published between 1964 and 1967, with a total of 22 issues published, highlighting and documenting controversial issues in America. With Herb Lubalin as art director and Ralph Ginzburg as editor.

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's Doris emerging from the background to stand up to Helen and defend channeled energy - and so the Scarlet Doris was born!

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If you don't know him yet, look him up, he's great fun and also a very good singer: or

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🎶 I just need butter/Butter is important to me🎶
on a Tuesday makes everything better

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Highlight from the People!
endpapers for Art You Sure You Love Me? designed by Herb Lubalin, 1969
published by World Publishing

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Design Rule 72:
The lightning spark of thought generated in the solitary mind awakens its likeness in another.
- Thomas Carlyle

Ideas & Execution by
Herb Lubalin & Tom Carnase

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'The Case For Retiring Our Most Overworked Four Letter Word' which featured in the first issue of Avant Garde Magazine – January 1968. Design by Herb Lubalin.

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Herb called his typography Graphic Expressionism.

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