is one of the world’s best-known cartoonists. This story is based on facts, but it’s a fictional version of how we imagine Canada’s most famous comic strip might have got its start.

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Tag your pals! 🌟⁠
Gordon, Michael, and Lawrence walk in the mall together laughing.

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Elizabeth cozies up on a wintry day. Are you someone who is often warm or cold?⁠ ❄️⁠
Elizabeth sits on the couch bundled in a quilt and holds a teddy bear. She looks out the window on the right and watches the snow.

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Ouch! Seems like Edgar missed the mark 🏈⁠
Image Description: Michael wearing a green shirt and blue shorts plays American football with his dog. The dog misses the ball and bites his butt instead.

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Toddler's best friend 🌻 ⁠
Image Description: A toddler (wearing a green polka dot onesie) holds on to a black and white sheep dog, who looks surprised.

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Elly is talking away on the phone - Who's your favorite person to call?⁠
Image Description: Elly wears a green sweater talks on the phone while sitting at a table, holding a pink mug.⁠

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John checks for bald spots, moving into middle age - What was your favorite time period in FBorFW? ⁠
Image Description: John wearing a red shirt holds a mirror to check the back of his head. behind him is a purple background

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Farley puts up a fuss when it comes to baths; does your pet like them?⁠
a young man wearing a red shirt and jeans. He bathes his dog (who is very upset about it), outside on the lawn.

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Uncle Phil character reference; Lynn drew these to help her remember what the secondary characters looked like.⁠
Image Description: A portait of Uncle Phill (wearing blue shirt, blonde hair and beard)⁠

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Happy Father's day from FBorFW!!
Image description: Elizabeth and Michael (on the right -kids) wish to their dad a Happy Father's day, who is in bed still and groggy

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Michael is all packed to go away to school. Are you starting post-secondary this year?⁠
Image description: Michael is running excitedly with 5 bags packed around him that are overflowing with all his belongings

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Snack snatcher 🐶
Image description: Toddler April wearing purple overalls receives a cookie from Elly to then drop it and have it snatched by Farley (black and white sheepdog)

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How old were you when you started reading FBorFW?🌱
Image description: April holds a flower with amazement (child with a purple coat wearing pink long pants)

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What's your pet's favorite thing to eat? 🐕
Image description: a black and white sheepdog sniffs the floor underneath the dinner table looking for food scraps. He's disappointed to find it's already been clean.

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