Awwww Masachika my earn a hugged and Maria you deserved more love than ever!🥰
The bond between them is just too beautiful...😭😭😭😭😭

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Awwww Yuki-san! I love you!😍
The reason you doing this because not only for yourself but doing it for Masachika-san to smile. You are no doubt the best imouto ever and glad you are born too! You deserve a hug.🤗

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I decided to change my profile image and it's my chad Masachika Suou/Kuze from Roshidere.

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I'll make quick speech from chapter 9 of Volume 9.
The chapter is the promised one and HOLY SHIT! Gensei does have a little fun spirit why because...'THE GRANDAD SHIP MASACHIKAxALYA!👍
YES YES YES! We're back baby!👏😁

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Thats it for my review with him. To me Masachika is mixture of good and anti-hero because he prefers to work in the shadow but while he helps and show his potential he shines more. That's why to me he is the best MC ever. He earn 10/10 and 1st gold meal.😎🥇

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While reading Light Novel, Manga and watch anime ver. Masachika Suou/Kuze is my favourite MC ever 2024. While he is Kuze he is unmotivated plays Gacha and watch animes but helps other in need but as Suou he show his true power and he is beast too. 😎💯

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My guess is in the final episode during the closing ceremony...Masachika going to speak Russian once for Alya to hear him. 😁

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Volume 9 is already amazing. I read the Prologue along Chapter 1 and 2 so far. The holding hands and Thigh moments is cute! Alya finally believes Masachika is the brother of Yuki. That's clear the misunderstanding.👍

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Insisto no hay peor nerfeo hasta ahora (que recuerde) que las weonas del high school DxD Mira como masacraron a mi mujer!! 😫😫😫

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16:00~16:50 rojuly
16:50~17:40 kashi
17:40~18:30 norts
18:30~19:20 nadeco
19:20~20:10 masachiko
20:10~21:00 AEMI
21:00~21:50 宗教戦争

10 31

Llegó la hora del masacre 😎🤙 En pibby corrupción

( Dibujo hecho por aburrimiento XD )

Quería hacer el Max del futuro en versión gato ahora XD

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Se me ocurrió algo, y si hacemos un good ending, pero que al final todo se glitchee y salga omt diciendo troleao puto y suceda una masacre?

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Ocultar la realidad

México es un país peligrosísimo, como señala el Departamento de Estado de EU.
Y nada de lo que diga AMLO para negarlo cambia los hechos.
Jorge Ramos

195 393

A vosotros no sé, pero a Marge Gunderson hoy le está apeteciendo salir a investigar esa masacre sin pies ni cabeza que es la comidilla de todo Fargo.

Frances McDormand, genia siempre ❤️

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Nos han masacrado en judo hoy. Hacía tiempo que no sudaba tanto🫠 Pero me ha sentado de lujo para animarme un poco (a pesar de estar llena de moratones jajaja)

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Roshidere: Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian celebration illustration featuring Alisa and Masachika by Momoco to commemorate the anime adaptation!

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Okey, que siga la masacre... digo, el juego xD


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