I'm curious, would y'all like to see Gwenpool in the MCU?

1 7

Who even gives a fuck, about the MCU?!

That's not real Marvel.

THIS is what Nebula looked like, in the comic books!

Fails, why do you continuously make yourself, more of a fake fan, then you already are?

Shilling for the current pop-culture phase is NOT a valid personality!

11 53

So we know Shuri was always going to be kidnapped by Namor, but her new suit design was going to include wings.

So, isn't it safe to say she would have been inspired by him to create her Vibranium wings in the mcu?🤔

They might incorporate her comic accurate bird wings in BP3.

42 211

¿Michael Shannon como el Green Goblin del MCU?

Artista: https://t.co/3gu5maYGeT

48 1074

Agora que a CASSIE LANG vai finalmente botar um uniforme e entrar pra ação em 'HOMEM-FORMIGA E A VESPA: QUANTUMANIA', qual codinome de heroína vocês acham que ela vai assumir agora no MCU?
Estatura ou Ferrão? ❤💜

O filme estreia no dia 17 de Fevereiro nos cinemas.

8 95

I just had this funny thought recently like imagine if they introduced Wallflower as Purple man’s daughter in the MCU?
Idk it’s so funny bc it’s actually possible.

1 2

First off, when did Hulk get with Caiera and have Skaar in the MCU?
Secondly, how the hell Skaar went from looking like a badass warrior in the comics to THIS?!

7 139

¿Cuantos villanos de este dibujazo de han salido en el MCU?

40 756

where is HE in the MCU? Need it.

1 2

that mean there is a hierarchy above in the 🤷🏼‍♂️

(Vol. 1, 1979)

1 8

Which role would you rather see Giancarlo Esposito take in the


16 231

Kolins also does his take on the Watchers and, seriously, MCU? Give this guy a job in concept art 'cause he blew you out of the water 20 years ago.

0 1

Cavaleiro da lua é a melhor série do mcu??

35 148

The next Moonstar for MCU?!

0 0

➡️ ¿Qué actor te gustaría que interpretase al DOCTOR DOOM del MCU?

2 9

What underrated X-Person should be front and center in the MCU?

I’ll go first. Maggot needs to be one of the notable MCU mutants.

13 89

can we just talk about of how anna diop can be the perfect starfire for the dceu and also the perfect storm for the mcu???

61 513

How bad do you think this man’s back hurts from single handedly carrying the MCU?

1 7


4⃣ ¿Qué actor te gustaría que interpretase a MR. FANTASTIC en el MCU?

3 15