Sauropods. Second image is the reconstructed skeleton and representative elements of Macrocollum itaquii. (a) Skull in left lateral view (CAPPA/UFSM 0001a). (b) Skull in dorsal view (CAPPA/UFSM 0001a). (c) Skull in ventral view (CAPPA/UFSM 0001b). (d ) Fourth cervical vertebra in

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Unfortunately, I have no work on yet, so enjoy my old drawings of

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Müller: Craniomandibular osteology of Macrocollum itaquii (Dinosauria: Sauropodomorpha) from the Late Triassic of southern Brazil /7

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Amazing description and figuration for Macrocollum itaquii in "Craniomandibular osteology of Macrocollum itaquii (#Dinosauria: from the Late Triassic of southern Brazil" by Müller et al. 2019.

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New online: Müller – Craniomandibular osteology of Macrocollum itaquii (Dinosauria: Sauropodomorpha) from the Late Triassic of southern Brazil

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This is probably one of the most interesting publications concerning the world of sauropodomorphs this year. Welcome to itaquii we need to found one of like this

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ブラジル、リオグランデ・ド・スル州三畳紀後期の地層から、既知最古の竜脚形類ウナイサウルス科新種記載。Macrocollum itaquii 属名は長い頸の意。長い頸を持つ最古のものから。2.33億年~2.25億年前にかけ、竜脚形類は頸部を伸ばし、より植物食に適応したとの事

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