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The battle became complicated against the being that manipulated dreams‼️

Encore was captured as a result of the combat‼️

🔗Link for Patreon in the bio https://t.co/eKkE5oxbgl

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This is a next level of gravity manipulation on a Saturn by Chuuya😬
Dazai is communicating with the high intelligent ultra-space existence 🙂‍↕️

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-bllk guys setau sender isagi ini kan green flag ya, kira-kira bliau punya sisi red flag juga ga ya? kalau iya, apkh mungkin dia manipulatif gitu?? hehe 😔🙏🏻

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“Thunder roars in the blue sky.”
A spirit god who manipulates rain clouds and thunder. He is paired with the wind god.

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He's manipulating him again! Don't listen to him Ford!

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Sorry, pero a mí me encanta Hakubi niñero manipulador. Es bien paciente con sus perturbadas crías del horror xD

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Throwback to my unused Decepticon OC. Is also Mansplain Manipulate like TFone Sentinel lol.

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Excepto por este señor que, al tener toda la información, puede manipular a quien necesita vencer al final (Mao) y a quien va a desposar si gana.
Es todo. Capaz Daigo en realidad sí ama a Sana y todo lo hace por amor, pero... Para mí es sospechoso, so dejo esto sobre la mesa xD

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Que obviamente Yurako es culpable de cosas, pero creo que Daigo usa a Sana para manipular y tener aliados.

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Y me da la impresión de que manipula a Yurako para hacerla creer que si no fuera por ella, él y Sana habrían sido felices, pero... Creo que esto no es del todo cierto...

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10. Villain OCs
Ilona and Ravine, the more active ones.

Remind me to think up a new form for Ilona when she reveals her true colors.

Foreteller Odius is deceased while Morvida is manipulating behind the shadows. She too will probably get a redesign.

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hes so cute after manipulating and traumatizing his own brother :>

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I'll send EIN. His first (out of tree) form is specially created to contrast gravity manipulators and flying opponents. The second form is made to contrast speedsters and the third is a long-range/tank form.

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Me llama la atención la frase y cara de Yurako.
Like, pone esa cara porque honestamente no le sorprende? o porque lo manipuló para que actuara por ella? No me parece que lo haya manipulado, siento que fue muy directa y harta de la vida, pero no sé xD

Lo que sí me da a entender… https://t.co/cR3eZ4UzqV

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The built of slutty manipulative evil twink https://t.co/VLytFU8T6c

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her name is yulia she’s a vampireborn vampire hunter due to family trauma. manipulative, vengeful, blunt, humor is dry, very questionable moral compass

her glasses r silver polarized bc she has light sensitivity n she has illusion/hallucination abilities. she’s 6’8 too

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Quiere forzar a Yurako a estar con él y la manipula con el secreto de la muerte de Sana// Sabe lo de Sana, pero promete guardar el secreto.

No es que Hakubi sea un santo ni mucho menos, pero ahora más que nunca Shippeo Yurakubi xD
Por favor que Hakubi se mantenga fiel a Yurako

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Nirinel O'rmé
She's a water witch from my webcomic. She can manipulate water and is learning to master ice magic as well.

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prolly a spin on what would happen if u teleported irl and maybe density manipulation? the circular cuts in the pillars look a bit perfect to not be pieces he teleported out and the craters are really small but deep, which is what makes me think he might have density manipulation

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After becoming a warlord, she supported Ian Smith in Rhodesia, sending military equipments and sorely needed logistics. Manipulated her way through the UN sanctions against Rhodesia.

The rebellion squashed, putting a brutal stop to the Independence wars in southern Africa.

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