Missing the vibrant hues of fresh flowers in the

Stop by our exhibition of paintings by and other women botanical artists, where the colors are always fresh, like this Hippeastrum sp. Santa Caterina 💐


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To conserve works on paper like Margaret Mee's they are only exhibited for short periods of time: be sure to get a glimpse of this graceful in before its time in the spotlight ends next week!


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During her third journey through the botanical artist traveled north to the Uaupés River to paint Rapateaceae, "an extraordinary swamp plant.” Learn more about Mee’s expeditions in our online exhibit Margaret Mee: https://t.co/QDLZ1AygLx.

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had just finished painting thyrsiflora when she began her second expedition in the this time focusing on bromeliads in Mato Grosso. Learn more about Mee’s travels online in our exhibit Margaret Mee:

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Celebrating with botanical artist & environmental advocate (1909-1988), born

Mee painted in the Amazon & spoke out against its devastation. Explore her work: https://t.co/AHopSy1qQe.

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Teach grades 6-12 about the Amazon ecosystem with our activities, answer key, & more. Download under TOURS & RESOURCES: https://t.co/fjG3QVBkUd.

💐: Celebrate w/ Brazilian Bifrenaria harrisoniae! 1959.

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For meet our Dichorisandra! painted this in the Amazon, but today, this member of the spiderwort family can be found in our greenhouse! Visit our newest exhibit Margaret Mee: online: https://t.co/QDLZ1AygLx.

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Artist & environmentalist made stunning from the Amazon. Explore our on Mee & 400 years of women botanical artists: https://t.co/Nqp9rYA4fM.

We're proud to keep highlighting even as we

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Celebrating today with the campaign! Meet an accomplished botanical artist turned major advocate for Amazonia conservation: https://t.co/mgXvRFzyxx.

🎨: Aechmea nudicaulis. from Flowered May 1958.

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Botanical artist made intricate paintings, 21 of which are in our collections: https://t.co/uYitUkCXUX. On we recall how Mee (born 110 years ago) fought ferociously to conserve the & its

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Honored by the & governments, was attracted by the aggressiveness of Amazon like thorny & sometimes home to scorpions.

📷: "#Bromelia anticantha Bertol." In our

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