Hot Pot with Deku 🥦💥

"kacchan!!! Have you tried this Lao-style marrinated Lamb? It's delicious!!!"

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There was a submariner, had a wife (named Marrina)
And Namor was his name-r!
N-A-M-O-R, N-A-M-O-R, N-A-M-O-R
And Namor was his name-r!

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Avengers (1963) Hercules was trying to help in his own way by giving Namor a fight so he wouldn't be depressed over Marrina, but yeah Namor's fought just about everyone at least once but he's also teamed up with them too

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Valentine’s Day messed up my Marrina Monday, but I love her so much I don’t care what day it is, here is Marrina!

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Chris Marrinan is a comic book artist that has done work for both Marvel and DC. His artwork has been featured in several Spider-Man issues such as the Amazing Spider-Man, and more notably, his work in 1992-93 for the 1990 Spider-Man series.

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She-Hulk's crush on Namor (nothing ever came of it, and Namor didn't even know besides he was happily married to Marrina at the time)

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"Woe to love that it should demand such a price. For surely I must now cut out my living heart!" - Namor

Namor Bingo 2021 - Three
Namor & his three lost loves; Lady Dorma, Betty Dean, Marrina Smallwood + A Softer World Quotes

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This week’s installment of stays in the family with Number 74- Marrina

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de Bien sûr que vous la connaissez, elle a été la compagne de.....

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Character of the Week:
First Appearance: Alpha Flight Issue 1 - Tundra!
Cover Date Aug 1983

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Judd and Namor break the tank and set Marrina free, but that causes two new problems: The villain no longer has control of his vessel, and now the alien creature is roaming free!

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[Alpha Flight Oct. 1984] Looks like the honeymoon is over between Marrina and Namor the Sub-Mariner! [#cmro M5824]

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Thundra & Arkon (either as a couple or broken up), Firelord, Marrina

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While I love Captain Marvel (Rambeau) I can't put her on the list because she was on the team a pretty long time and was team leader. I always felt bad for the three women on the list...All were treated poorly.
Marrina was never even made a member

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‘Yellow Morning.’ by Michael Marrinan

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The ad for this issue blew my mind when I was a kid. I wasn’t even buying the comic (issue 11 became my first one) but the characters looked so amazing (Byrne has since dismissed them as fanfic characters!). I thought Marrina was going to die as she looked the most worried! 🤣

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