🔴 De à Woke : une brève histoire du marxisme culturel - les racines marxistes de la théorie queer et l'agenda néo-marxiste de l'#ONU et du Forum économique mondial.(#WEF)

📍L'auteur James Lindsay a récemment donné une conférence qui a suscité beaucoup d'intérêt en… https://t.co/NGQeoiYy83

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I declare that Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is lesbianism

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Comisión de Victoria en un karaoke practicando el español. Parece que le gustan las rolas del Sol de México 😋

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"Hey, hello comrade, I've heard a lot about porn-marxism, can you show me its charms??"

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Marxism has always taught that with the abolition of classes the state will also be abolished. (https://t.co/GgSEHGZLKL.)

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Algunos afiches que te hicieron los camaradas por haberlos liberado del marxismo 😂

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DeSantis: "I reject socialism outright. I reject Marxism, Leninism, communism, any of these -isms that have come out of a political theory that denies the worth of each and every individual."

But racism, another -ism that denies a person's worth, is totally fine with him.😕

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A great follow-up on this: mini-thread about the reactionary conflation of Marxism and antiracist activism building on an observation from . I hope we get to see those papers mentions at the end of the thread very soon! https://t.co/xHOKYRF6wr

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The wait is over! The first official chapter is in production! 🥳

Every chapter will be between 12 and 15 pages, so please pay attention to updates! 🥹

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La espera ha terminado, ¡el primer capítulo oficial del cómic ha comenzado su producción! 🥳

Cada capítulo tendrá entre 12 y 15 páginas más la portada, estén pendientes 🥹

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In her default character art, ie not the one used in the story cutscenes but instead in the gacha/unit list/gameplay, her book’s cover literally just says “Marxism Leninism” in Russian. You know, just to cement the whole thing I guess

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* Defending Socialism: Debunking Anti-Communist Myths:

* In Defense of Marxism w/ The Sensible Socialist: https://t.co/L8IeKVINCo

* Defending Socialism: Deconstructing the "Communism Killed 100 Million" Lie: https://t.co/aOrzzH5LO6

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A veces uno ve a la persona que le gusta con lentes rosas 💖

Sometimes you see the person you like with pink goggles 🥰

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Camarada espero que você curta!
Tava aqui assistindo (como sempre) suas aulas e bateu a vontade de lançar aquela carica! Parabéns pelo trabalho, camarada!

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Sad to announce but Stalin has officially been canceled. We are gonna have to come up with a new 4th head of Marxism

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Today is Birthday of the most important brazilian phylosopher. Dead in January 24th. He would be 75 today. These are some drawings I did for his birthdays through the years.

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