487) Viniendo al menos en 3 colores (verde, rojo y azul), hay algunos detalles anatómicos mejorables en los Microceratus de la peli, sobre todo la posición del ojo. Esto está bien en las ilustraciones de Csotonyi para la web de Masrani y en el arte conceptual de Raúl Martín.

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An official calendar with a exclusive look at the Masrani Global, InGen, and Biosyn Dinosaurs assorted in every month has been added on https://t.co/l51WdehwVZ.

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It would be a banger if Scutosaurus appeared in Jurassic world camp cretaceous. It makes sense as Masrani would create this animal to get more news coverage and publicity.
it would seem impossible to get DNA, but the park using groundbreaking Masrani technology recreated the DNA.

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