Results from the Flocking
Proapteryx ridng on a Moa
Suportive Jeholopterus and snack
Styxosaurus catching a pteranodontid
Embolotherium dating game. Do you chose Grangeri or Andrewsi?

4 32

The artworks for Captivz JP30th wave 2 by are really incredible!! We already see 3 different animals from TLW (Inland Pteranodon, Geosternbergia, Compy) I know more is coming, and I saw one of them. It's really incredible!!

28 191

In jurassic park tlw at the end we were able to observe a blue-headed pterosaur, and although it looks like a pteranodon, I have seen that many people relate it to geosternbergia, in this pterosaur has a very large dimorphism, so the male is quite colorful

40 260

. 『プテラノドン』

0 0

海洋翼竜(Marine pterosaurs)
Descendant of pteranodon, cannot fly but is a good swimmer, lays eggs on land.

19 79

Glossario the Kentrosaurus
Taeros the Pteranodon
Spire the Triceratops
Frenzy the Dracorex (and Sober the Chasmosaurus)

0 0

Birch the Triceratops (and Peach the Pteranodon)
An Unnamed Tyrannosaurus
Iris the Apatosaurus
Quan Wei the Shunosaurus

0 0


前田 麦 / "EYE of Fire "BLUE CAT" "BRAKIN" "PTERANODON"|3-Set

目がメラメラと燃えているEYE OF FIRE、大人気のシリーズです。アメリカン風かつアジアンテイストでもある、北海道生まれの人気ステッカー。お得な3枚セットです。


2 2



12 70

I'm living in self-inflicted Pteranodon farming hell...but at least by girl looks cute!!!
You can find in the Firmament if this bin fire gets out of control but don't talk to me cuz I'm BUSY!!!

1 2

While the Fukui Museum is closed when I go, there are a plethora of other museums to visit in Japan. One I’ve been very curious to see is the TCA Dinosaur Museum, a small museum in Tokyo which has an Acrocanthosaurus and a Pteranodon. Interesting choices for such a small museum.

19 96

Pteranodon merchant

10 37

next design for sale! based on Pteranodons with a touch of wyvern!

auto is $80, DM to offer/claim!
Will do a champion form for an additional cost!

(mini desc in the next post)

[rts = ❣️]

49 170