Successful temptress or satirical masterpiece?

I just released a video about The Ugly Duchess (c. 1513) by Quentin Massys:

The work is a companion piece to the second image. And Leonardo Da Vinci made a drawing of the same person.

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For more news of People Nobody Likes, here's the tax-collector as painted by Jan Massys. In my day you could also pay taxes in chickens and eggs.

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Persistence of ugliness: a grotesque caricature by Leonardo Da Vinci (1) may have inspired Quentin Massys' 1513 painting "The ugly duchess" (2), which in turn served as an inspiration in 1869 for an illustration by John Tenniel in Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (3).

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Auction catalog item of the day - Jan Massys (attributed), "Thirsty Bagpiper"

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"Al iniciar su nueva existencia de anacoreta, se vio fuertemente asediado por deseos de fornicación. Luchó contra tales apetitos y logró superar aquella prueba con la fuerza de su fe."

Quinten Massys, 1520-1524

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Innocent Lot looking quite bewildered by the seductive attentions of his daughters. Classic blame-the-woman scenario for lecherous men, provided by the Old Testament and here depicted by Jan Massys whose day is today.

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And now, some news of People Nobody Likes: the tax-collector as painted by Jan Massys. In my day you could also pay your taxes in chickens and eggs. So handy!

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Died (alas!) on this day in 1575, Jan Massys of Antwerp. Here, a Holy Family w/ problematic dynamic: Dad is just not part of the love! Sad!

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Joachim Patinir's "Temptations of St. Anthony the Abbot" (1520-24) is his only definite collaboration example. He painted the exquisite landscape, and fellow Flemish artist Quentin Massys painted the figures. 🎨

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Sigue el ciclo sobre la pregunta: ¿Por qué los cuadros tienen la forma que tienen y miden lo que miden?

Volvamos a obras de formato CUADRADO, por ejemplo de Gustav Quentin Natalia y Gustav


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💿La Sussana
🎼Alessandro Stradella (1644-1682)
🎨Jan Massys (Susanna and the Elders, 1564)

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2/2 Innocent Lot looking quite bewildered by the seductive attentions of his daughters. Classic blame-the-woman scenario for dirty old men, here depicted by Jan Massys whose day is today.

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In news of People Nobody Likes, renaissance version, here's the tax-collector as painted by Jan Massys. In my day you could also pay taxes in chickens and eggs. Handy!

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Died (alas!) on this day in 1575, Jan Massys of Antwerp. Here, a Holy Family w/ problematic dynamic: Dad is just not part of the love!

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Joachim Patinir's "Temptations of St. Anthony the Abbot" (1520-24) is his only definite collaboration example. He painted the exquisite landscape, and fellow Flemish artist Quentin Massys painted the figures. 🎨

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Los azules del Museo Nacional del Prado.

Patinir/Massys | Fra Angelico | Tiepolo | van der Weyden

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John Tenniel versus Quentin Massys. La Duchessa of by Lewis Carroll and The Ugly Duchess by Quentin Massys .

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Jan Massys
(b. ca. 1510, Antwerpen, d. 1575,...

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