I like the idea but i think that an ornamentation design similar to that of the extinct megaloceros, sinomegaceros or even the sivatherium would be more practical in terms of defense

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going for the heavy duty package this stormy winter

Happy Holidays from all of us at Fossil Crates and Express Exhibits!

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Sinomegaceros, a deer from Early to Late Pleistocene of East Asia.

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Illustration by

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Barrie Cooke, Megaceros Hibernicus, 1983, Oil on canvas

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Deer of drip 👐🏼 Sinomegaceros pachyosteus.

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post number three is uprising with this time two taxa: Sinomegaceros pachyosteus and Morenelaphus brachyceros. To avoid the clickbait, let’s begin with Sinomegaceros (1/?)

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sinomegaceros pachyosteus :-)

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Behold, bath in it's Glory! For it is CerviCube!
Sinomegaceros blessed us!

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Introducing the (antlers based on Sinomegaceros pachyosteus)

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Praemegaceros verticornis, a very large species from the Middle Pleistocene of Europe. Despite the name, the genus isn't thought to be ancestral to Megaloceros, they evolved into large forms independently, curious isn't it?

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Kobus Megaceros (Waterbuck) meets Homo curtatorensis (David Lampard)

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