Unos diseños de personajes que hice par ala clase de Historia de Mesoamerica. uwu
Diosas purépechas: Cuerauaperi(diosa de la lluvia; madre de los dioses) y Xaratanga(diosa relacionada con la agricultura; diosa guerrera)

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Tochtli, the rabbit, is one of the sacred animals of Mesoamerica. It represents fertility, vitality and energy, and it is associated with the feminine principle of the universe

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Oh my fall is almost over!

Gourds were used as containers for food & water, making their ceramic counterparts, like this vessel, a more permanent representation of the agricultural products that supported the complex societies of ancient Mesoamerica.

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En el universo mitico de MICTLAN, nuestra meta es demostrar la humanidad, espiritualidad, misticismo, religion de los pueblos originarios de Mesoamerica.

our goal is to demonstrate the humanity, spirituality, mysticism, and religion of the original peoples of Mesoamerica.

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Human sacrifice was a way of life for Ancient Mesoamerica. In the Aztec creation Quetzalcoatl-Ehecatl stole bones from the Underworld to make the first humans. So sacrifices were a necessary apology to the gods, to nourish them with sacrificed blood & flesh.#mythologymonday

11 31


Sea serpents have a long-standing reputation of sinking boats - Quetzalcoatls were worshipped as feathered serpent deities connected to the wind and rain, in Mesoamerica.


11 29

Codex Fejérváry-Mayer
The Codex Fejérváry-Mayer is an Aztec Codex of central Mexico. It is one of the rare pre-Hispanic manuscripts that have survived the Spanish invades Central Mesoamerica.

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about baroque and the conquest in Mesoamerica. Art history is literally my passion.

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Razones para ver

1. Las mitologías de mesoamerica.
2. Tezcatlipoca es hot.
3. Los detalles de las culturas que aparecen.
4. Quetzalcoatl es hot.
5. Es una gran aventura.
6. Mictecacihuatl es hot.
7. Yaotl humano es hot.
8. Dioses Hot en general.

20 76

Excited to post my contribution to ! Quita Moz, Ixlan, & Amalay hanging out in what I imagined the Kingdom of Maru back then. Researched Codices & Archeology on various groups from Spot the references and people featured?

53 137

Since my Twitter has been getting a bit of traffic there’s a couple creators who I’d like to promote who also are creating stories about Mesoamerica.
If you’d like to add to the thread, please do! BIPOC, POC & LGBTQ+ please

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Ademas de la relación por nombre, el águila dorada y el oro eran tomados como símbolo de los dioses solares mesoamericanos-

Apart from the clear name reference, the golden eagle and gold were the symbols of the solar gods of mesoamerica.

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Pinta bastante bien el original de , Onyx Equinox. Serie animada desarrollada en Mesoamerica.
Así se ven Tezcatlipoca y Mictlantecuhtli.

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Numbers were sacred in ancient FIVE - in the shape of a - refers to the structure of the human body (4 limbs + trunk), of towns/cities, of the world, of the universe: 4 cardinal directions and the World Tree at the centre, linking heavens and underworlds.

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Deer hunting is a deeply spiritual act in Mesoamerica. Because deer are sacred animals associated with the sun, ritual sacrifice, offerings and penitence had to be done by hunters in order to obtain the permission of the deer to chase and hunt them.

11 36

Conch shell trumpets were used all over Mesoamerica. They provide a deep sound that could be heard at a very long distance, and were used in ritual & call for war. In my painting show I a seated musician playing a conch trumpet

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