Incredible 😍 These two stunning drawings won 1st place for the Allie from Illinois, USA, drew the king salmon, and Jingyi "Alana" from Washington, USA, drew the Arctic Char! Congratulations to the both of you, this is truly inspiring art

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🤩Congratulations🤩to the 3rd place winners of the In the 5-12 yr old category, Tongfei Karen from Virginia, USA, drew Arctic char, and in the 13-18 category, Andrew from California, USA, drew three-spined stickleback! AMAZING job to both👏👏

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Just 7 DAYS left to submit a drawing for the as a part of the international

The deadline to enter is March 31st
Check out to participate today!

🎨Dmitry from Belarus, 4th grade

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We have seen some AMAZING artwork submitted for the Thanks to EVERYONE who has participated, we are inspired by your talent!

🎨Lidia from Russia, age 16

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Illustration for a diploma of , a that works for environmental adaptation of the necessary and decommissioning of the unnecessary.

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🛑BREAKING the new report finds globally monitored migratory freshwater fish populations have declined by a staggering 76% since 1970! In Europe populations have declined by a whopping 93% 😟
Check out the report for more details 👇

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🛑URGENTE. El nuevo informe de indica que las poblaciones de peces migratorios de agua dulce han disminuido en un 93% desde 1970 en Europa. Es hora de restaurar nuestros ríos y devolverles la vida! Descárgate el informe👇

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100 days until
⁣We're with a new The from South America: Piraiba!⁣ Up to 3,5m in length and 200 kg of weight, the fish is big enough to swallow a man! Luckily, they prefer to feed on other fish😅

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I drank too much coffee and then had a minor panic attack when I found out I missed the bus. Here is my beyond late entry, done with my left hand.

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