Granatum mirabilis()でキャラ化して頂いたリョートの魔術師さん(できでき~~!!お名前はアイシャさんです!!宿屋さんしてるよ!!

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1.バラ Rosa
2.タチアオイ Althaea rosea
3.オシロイバナ Mirabilis jalapa
4.シャクヤク Paeonia lactiflora

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One of the weirdest and coolest Triassic tetrapods. Sharovipteryx mirabilis, Madygen Formation. Such unusual glider

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[Ruler of the Admirabilis]

Lotsa love for Ventricosus...Queen of the squish~💙

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welwitschia mirabilis ウェルウィッチア、和名サバクオモト(砂漠万年青)。以前にもツイートしたけれどアフリカ ナミブ砂漠に分布する植物。一対のみの葉を伸ばし続け、その長さは8mに及ぶ個体もある。生きている化石と評されるほど原始的植物のようだ。京都府立植物園などでも栽培されている。

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Piscina Mirabilis - one of the largest freshwater cisterns built by the Romans. Located on the Bacoli cliff. Stunning!

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11月23日のコミティア122発行「MIRABILIS RIBERTAS 2」(A5/58p/700円) サンプルです。よろしくお願いします。

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The King of Admirabilis, Ventricosus 🐚#hnk

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On bacteria that can "paint" using watercolours. I've tested many many bacterial strains for their ability to "paint" with watercolours, but of these so far, only Serratia marcescens (the red pigment) and Proteus mirabilis have shown this aptitude.

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"Anorexia Mirabilis" or miraculous lack of appetite is a condition that almost exclusively effected women & girls of the Middle Ages who starved themselves, often to the point of death. St. Catherine "refused food, but drank the pus from the sores of the sick". She died at 33.

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Cute and lovely Mirabilis by 💗💗💗

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through years and centuries. through our mortal flesh and short generations. we live, we learn, and we die.

my piece for ! starring the admirabilis, i've always been really fond of them.

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in 1759 24 British ships of the line defeated the French (21 of which 6 destroyed and 1 captured) in the Battle of Quiberon Bay. It signalled the rise of the Royal Navy in becoming the world's foremost naval power, and was part of the British Annus Mirabilis of 1759.

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The 'Marvel of Peru' or '4o'clock flower' jalapa is not just a garden ornamental. A vivid crimson dye for food + fabric can be made from the flowers and—across various cultures—the roots, leaves and flowers have medicinal applications.

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Day 13: Fav Admirabilis. Ventricosus 🌸🌸🌸💕💗🐙🐚

Art based on Ventricosus cosplay 🐙🐙🌸

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⚔️Nine of Swords⚔️
Spira Mirabilis Theatre

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