(el dibujo lo hice hace tiempo, por lo que no emvejecio muy bien)
que no hizo?

1. plantarle cara a Ra (el unico dios que fue capaz de enfrantar a geova)

2. plantarle cara a lucifer y satanas (en algunas verciones son personajes diferentes)

3. derrocar a mixcoatl ya cuatlicue

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juntos iniciaron una revelíon contra Mixcoatl y Coatlicua los soveranos de los Draconianos (asi le les llama a los dioses nativo amricanos en este universo) y tomaron sus puestos como dioses, despues llegarian el ejercito de Metatron vueltos demonios a matarlos (+)

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The first picture to share ^^ These are the three main characters of a personal project that I'm working...(And if time and circumstances allow, I will proceed). The creatures are Ryuugen-nin, Teotl Tenamaxtli "Tena" Mixcoatl and Melasma.

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Mixcoatl (Cloud serpent, god of the hunt associated with the Chichimeca peoples. Traditional patron of Tlaxcala) & the Mimixcoa (400 deities of the northern stars).

Comic book adaptation of the traditional Nahua cosmology Legend of the five suns.

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GM everyone!

This is Mixcoatl (Cloud Serpent, Nahua god of the hunt associated with the "Chichimeca" people) & some of the Centzonmimixcoa (400 northerners, star deities).

Part of the comic book adaptation of the legend of the five suns I've worked on in 2018. Not published yet

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Mixcoatl, also known as Camaxtli in Tlaxcala and Huejotzinco, where he was their patron deity was the God of the Hunt, the Milky way, the stars and the heavens in general. He is also the father of Quetzalcoatl. ⁣

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day 22: Red

The Tlatlauhqui Tezcatlipoca, or the Red Tezcatlipoca, from "Historia de los Mexicanos por sus pinturas".

Named Camaxtle, Camaxtli, or Mixcoatl (who he transforms into in chapter 8).

His depiction here is from the Codex Magliabecchiano (pg 42r).

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REDCS: Mixcoatl village, the setting for Op Javier, is named after a deity worshipped by the Aztecs. The name means 'cloud serpent' in reference to an ability to shape shift and mimic clouds moving across the sky. Mixcoatl taught humans how to hunt and make fire.

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Mix is ready to defeat their rivals on the dance floor!!
Go Mixcoatl! You can do it!!

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So, in case you dont know, Mixcoatl was designed last year, but i forgot to upload his picture, haha
More about his story on the FA link below

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