Still can't show you anything I'm working on right now, but here is a moicy relax-sketch 💜💛

64 370

I can’t show anything that I’m working on these days, but I can show you what I draw INSTEAD of working v///////v

86 295

"All I Want For Christmas Is You"

I know I'm late for the party, but it's pretty much the only work I could contribute for Xmas

18 65

Anonymous asks: "Okay but how thirsty would Angela be for Moira all hot and sweaty after a game?"

690 1967

And that's how you get your finger bitten off
Honesty like, I spent an HOUR deciding on clothes coloring...and for a sketch! lol
le boop 😶

16 40

“ Weren’t you the one who said <<Find their weakness and claim the objective>> ? ”
“T-...This is such a low blow, Dr. Ziegler...”

well... yes it is. And I should stop.

752 2048