Day 17 Steel Type Corviknight!
Entry: Corvknights find themselves deep in studies of science, history or warfare. Or they pledge their lives to protecting one person. They are known to be both very intelligent and loyal.

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Day 16 Rock Type Lycanroc!
Entry: Between day Lycanrocs and night Lycanrocs, they are polar opposites. Most day ones work for police and are driven by justice and safey. Meanwhile night ones tend to be violent and against the rules!

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Day 15 Psychic Type Reuniclus!
Entry: Reuniclus are quite the strange pokemon. They can regenerate very quickly and don't really need oxygen to survive. So they are perfect for dangerous jobs other Pokemon can't do.

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Day 8 Flying Type Gliscor!
Gliscors tend to fluent Hot Torchic (Hot Topic) and Salamance’s (Spencer’s) for their attire. They love to scare people, and spread rumors of them being vampires, which always fills them with delight.

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Pokemon,,,but my Heartgold team is gjinkas,,, I'm gonna use tags for this one since i'm really impressed with it-


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Experimenting with lining and shading as i take a quick break from comms. Also Kill la Kill will always be one of my favorite shows

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i made humanized Ducklett and Swanna from pokemon

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Drawing more Gijinkas! This time, my Clefairy Melody. He's a real cutie and SUPER friendly. I also was trying to see if minimal coloring look decent with my inking style. Looks pretty good but I'm still playing with stuff.

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This is our blessings and comic for Ji-Hyo. Happy Birthday!

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To our pretty Ace, Happy happy Birthday!!! <3

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