"What was the art you made out of pure emotion?"

Pretty much all of my Moonpaintings heh, because they come directly from what I'm feeling in that moment and are done very fast. With my other work it's similar in the initial sketch fase but I take much longer to finish. https://t.co/Lm42iz2Uu2

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Moonpaintings scanned in from last month :>

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Moon painting featuring inspiration from some of my figure studies.

Every thing has a mother. Mothers exist for everything that has taken breath and exist in the terminal condition called life.

Looking forward to the full moon soon.

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Moonpaintings scanned in...I need to open Indesign and make that book >:I

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Pieces about pain, growing, nurturing and releasing... Therapy helps. 😊

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Scanned in my recent moonpaintings, I’m very happy with these... ;^; they are also listed in my shop!

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Moonpaintings scanned in of this month.
I really enjoy working on the,..sometimes its very hard, everytime i dont think I know what to make. And I guess that is exactly the point. I surprise myself too every time.

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My Moonpaintings are an extension of my other art, but I feel they are more connected to my direct feelings of that month and even that day that I channel through them. It really feels like magick.

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Moonpaintings from this month.

I had such a blast working on these, I love how each month has a different energy. I hope you enjoy them too! :)

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All my Moonpaintings from this month scanned in :)🩸

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I have prints available of my current Moonpaintings now, you can choose a set of them which I figured would be a nice option :D will make seperste listings soon as well. https://t.co/sLhMzzfyqp

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All of my Moonpaintings scanned in from last month🩸🐺

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My Moonpaintings scanned in ❤ 🙂 I loved doing it so much, I really hope to make a book once I have made more in the future..
Something to look forward to every time from now on 🙂

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My latest from the moon obsession/ painting series. To the Moon and Back, 16”x16,” on my web site.

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