What's THIS!? Another But did I not fail??? Did I not abandon this!? NEVER!

Nobody knows this better than the Dragon Dev ! Never give up! Even if you are 1 month late! Keep at it! One day you reach your dreams!

Next is... Animation Queen?


10 30

I am going to do from today and one every day until they are all done.

The slime boi is here! ! I absolutely love and am envious of how they make different body types in such an adorable and amazing style!

Next on this list is Developer-dragon


5 12

I am going to do from today and one every day until they are all done.

Watch out next up is ! He is up to no good! Some silly idea to climb and walk on bamboos! Nobody told him that is dangerous???

After this comes a chubby monster!


4 57

I am going to do from today and one every day until they are all done.

It is time for the Chemistry Engineer himself! ! But what did it do??? WHAT MAD SCIENCE DID YOU DOOOOO??

Tomorrow we see the Dragonite of Animation!


5 20

I am going to do from today and one every day until they are all done.

Let's begin with the cutest lion! ! Don't you just hate it when your perception differs from reality???

Tomorrow? Say hello to a Derg!


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