A talented individual (WantedAlive) thought up these cartoons and employed Rick Menard to illustrate them. They said they can be freely shared around to raise awareness and understanding of /


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The horrible history of How medical misogyny & decades of medical malfeasance by a faction of psychiatry led to no treatments for & patients in 2021


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There are 17 card left on my Etsy shop to raise funds for 's Tea Party for M.E. ☕️💙


And here's a a little animation I made to get you in the Blue Sunday mood - happening on Sunday 16th May 🛀🥧

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Being believed is more rare an occurrence than seeing a unicorn in your bathtub.

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There is an estimated 24 millions patients living with around the world, 25% housebound or bedbound, sometimes for decades, no biomarkers and no approved treatments. We hope that research will look at biological mechanism of

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Thank you ABC for writing this story and Tony (& wife) for sharing your experience. Very relatable, 'like you're wading through wet cement' & that's on a good day...

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Via the newsletter of EMERGE Australia

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I’ve been feeling like Kaneki Ken in the first 3 episodes of Tokyo Ghoul...sick af and puking everything TF UP.💦
That’s the real reason why I did this cosplay 4yrs ago.🖤🔪✨

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I’m honoured that my ‘Elephant & ME’ illustration is to be displayed in Belgium Art Expo ME in Words & Pictures International Awareness Day. Full article & stories of 2 inspiring people here… https://t.co/SGSdARPQiN

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My 2016 image depicted that although people with can appear well, under the skin the ME is affecting the muscles. Last years image depicted how ME takes a hold of your body and is always there whether you can see it or not.

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