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@Angama_Market 持続感染はlongCovidとも密接に関わっていそうだから、コロナ克服に向けて大きく何かが変わると良いのだけれど…
No biomarkers in #longcovid?
Here's the picture from high-quality, peer-reviewed studies published on or before 18 August 2022.
Every biomarker here has a statistically-significant result in 2 or more studies.
Red is elevated, Blue is decreased.
For the #nationaldayofreflection I’ll be focussing on 2 things
1. Those we desperately miss
2. Those living with #longcovid and still struggling
I understand the #grief of both.
I hope we can use the time to reflect on real people, rather than appalling politics. @mariecurieuk
In our new study, we observed structural damage of the #thalamus and #basal ganglia in patients with #post-COVID syndrome and #fatigue.
@hoffmannbenny95 @spdbt #Querdenkentötet #QuerdenkerSindTerroristen Nazis #Coronazis,Schwurbler und Terfs sind Täter! Keine Opfer.
Ausserdem bitte lasst Euch impfen! Die Impfung erhält das Leben, es stärkt das Immunsystem, mildert schwere Verläufe wie LongCovid und schützt Mitmenschen. #LasstEuchImpfen
#rehabINK Issue 14 SNEAK PEEK ⏰
Over 4 million people have been infected with COVID-19 in Canada. As many as 33% of these individuals may be experiencing symptoms of long COVID! Learn about the link between long COVID and brain fog in this article. #longCOVID #brainfog #COVID19
“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.”
C. S. Lewis.
#covid #covid19 #longcovid #longcovidkids #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsntOver #SARSCoV2
Frohe Botschaft zu Weihnachten 😉.
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsntOver #COVIDIsAirborne #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #Corona #Covid_19 #ProtectTheKids #ImpfenSchuetzt #BringBackMasks #MaskUp #CleanAir #AirQuality #LuftfilterJetzt #LongCovid #LongCovidKids #MECFS
昨日やたら肉欲出てステーキと羊串食べたりして「これは回復傾向か」ってのは糠喜びで外出の疲れか再度 #喘息 と #嗅覚障害 がぶり返し柑橘の香りがまた判らなくなるというぐぬぬ状態… #LongCovid 侮り難し。
Jeder, der #COVID19 hatte, sollte auf Schlaganfall-Symptome achten
Harlan Krumholz, Kardiologe an der Yale School of Medicine, sagt, er mache sich Sorgen über zwei Arten von #LongCovid. Die offensichtliche Variante führt unter anderem zu Fatigue, während eine weniger…
7 stages of grief. I have made 7 variations to represent them. Acceptance and Hope (left) and Anger (right). My supporters can see them all at
#31DaysOfDys #CFS #PANS, #Lyme #longcovid #PANDAS #POTS
Hier der Link zum Artikel.
Im Format eines Comics. Von Savannah Brooks. Illustrationen von Julia Louise Pereira. 👇
#CovidIsNotOver #LongCovid #LongCovidKids #MECFS #MassDisablingEvent #COVID19 #DieMaskeBleibtAuf #Corona
I’m tryna rest and heal from a busy week but #LongCovid is getting the best of me like Krrsantan ripping out Boba from the bacta tank to beat him to death.
The imaging showed an extensive meningeal lymphatic network around the cavernous sinus in the back of the skull - where people with #LongCovid and #pwME often have severe headaches....
Can't god divinely reveal a cure?
#LongCovid #LongCovidKids
#CovidVaccine #CovidIsNotOver
„Lauterbach warnt vor Folgen für den Arbeitsmarkt:
Kapazitäten für Versorgung von Long-Covid-Fällen „nicht im Ansatz“ vorhanden”
#LongCovid #festival #maskenpflicht #schwarwel
Im Schnitt drei Monate krank“
#LongCovid #Fatigue #pandemie #schwarwel
#LongCovid recovery. A couple weeks of inactivity on sick leave led to painting to avoid insanity. #PaintingWarhammer #oldhammer #WarhammerCommunity #warhammer
I make art. You can print off some of it. You can also donate to me out of mercy for the fact that I have longcovid but my energy went to fretting today instead of getting anything done. https://t.co/fUmDbcU3Rw