和装……らしい…よ:( ; ´꒳` ;):ガタガタガタ

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Krizalid - The King of Fighters '99 ~Beyond the "K"~: Kotomi Tobashi

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Druddigon are vicious and cunning. They take up residence in nests dug out by other Pokémon, treating the stolen nests as their own lairs.

Addition by Indigo Champion: Hatchling Druddigon may take up residence in already occupied nests.

9 38

There's no mating ritual for Furbag since whatever he is doesn't need mates.

He asexually reproduces laying eggs (he might also be able to use some victims as nests like the troodons from the Jurassic Park Telltale game).

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"The common cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests, leaving its young to be raised by a foster parent, while the cuckoo chick kills off its more legitimate siblings."

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You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair ..

~ Chinese Proverb
Artist Credit : Catrin Welz-Stein

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GameFAQs is not wrong though. Kyo does have an Orochi Saga outfit in KOF XIII.

It's just that it's an alternate costume for Normal Kyo. Not NESTS Kyo.

0 1

aira - kulu-ya-ku
"A bird wyvern that has developed limbs capable of carrying objects. It has been spotted stealing eggs from the nests. If attacked while carrying an egg, it will drop the egg in fright and flee."

0 2

22. My favorite outfits are Iori in KOF13 and NESTS Kyo, but I have some honorable mentions! I thin KOFXV drip is good and KOFG has really good outfits too!

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K' - The King of Fighters 2000: Illustration by Hiroaki.

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17. Lots of people dislike the striker system but I truly enjoyed it! I played the NESTS saga in arcade and it was so exciting to discover the secret Striker characters in KOF2000 and I liked that in KOF2001 I could play with 4 characters or only with 1 and 4 strikers 😈

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🍬🎃✞👻trick or treat👻✞🎃🍬

11 34

A tlekuani.
Lava bugs coated with a rocky exoskeleton. They can store lava in their abdomens and shoot it out of their mouths to attack. They are very territorial of their nests.

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Ulysses (Anemone Owl)
build their nests together in gourds or similar hollowed-out gourds like pumpkins... A group of these birds is called a “pumpkins patch”...


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It is a truth universally acknowledged, that Prompto babies are found in chocobo nests.

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Feliz Cumpleaños!!! Igniz!!! 🥳🎂🎉🎊 Uno de los jefes más difíciles de NESTS ambicioso oscuro muy leal a la organización

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