Eleonore Prochaska(1785-1813),"die Potsdamer Jeanne d'Arc" (1/1)

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1812 Преображенский лейб-гвардии полк (1/1)

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John Trotter (d.1833) made a fortune supplying the army in the from his Soho Square warehouse & later turned it into a bazaar renting stalls to women selling crafts & plants. Here's his Derby dessert service, c1825, his name in gold is on each piece

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Beer, beef and pudding "à la santé"
Published by W. Holland N° 11 Cockspur Street London (1803).

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Another modern piece from 2018, 'The Black Brunswickers'

Brunswick hussars and lancers on English service c.1815. The Brunwickers are a fascinating unit... (will post below 👇)

[All credit to the artist]

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