Wealthy Bengalies at Calcutta vied with each other, invited nautch girls-courtesans, from faraway Lucknow & Delhi, for entertainment
"Raja Nob Kishen’s Nautch Party at Calcutta” news appeared in Calcutta Gazette of 20-10-1814(?)
👇c1825, painting by Charles D’Oyly

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Scene at the Nautch Festival
By Egron Sellif Lundgren (1815-75)

"The scene records a festival given by Maun Singh in March 1859. Lundgren shows himself seated to the right, drawing, with Sir William Mansfield beside him."

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Bayaderes de Pondichery - 1850
painting/sketch By Himely, Sigismond (1801-1872)
National Library of Australia
in other parts called as Dancing girls, or Nautch girls?

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Nautch girls preparing to dance, with musicians playing, at an event given by Maun Singh in March 1859. By E.S. Lundgren from

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'A (Dancing) Girl & two Musicians'.
Early 19th century from (?) now at
These paintings give a fascinating insight into life & times of that era.

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Nautch girl of Ulwur (Alwar) an engraving from 'India and its Native Princes' by Louis Rousselet, 1878
& Dance girl from Mewat
in both dress were elaborate, beautifull
& highlight art of performers

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Two Nautch Girls, Kashmir, watercolour on paper, William Carpenter, 1854

- Nautch girls were a popular theme for artists in the 19th Century, William was trained at the Royal Academy and traveled extensively in India in the early 1850s.

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Nautch girls at Varanasi, c.1830. Lithograph in James Prinsep's Benares Illustrated, 1831. P2508

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Nautch party, Thanjavur, India, ca. 1830, Watercolour and gouache on paper, V&A Collection.

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Gilbert & other British officers being entertained with a nautch by Raja of Sambalpur
painting by Gilbert artist,1825-27
Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Raleigh Gilbert
such dance party was normal tradition back then to welcome vips or any festive occasions, dancers were invited

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Two nautch girls
Painting by Edwin Lord Weeks
All such painting are remarkable for details, he might have been a perfectionist. Observant eyes for minute details. Textile print design & colour reminds of rich cloth making skills of artisans weavers of India.

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Boys dressed as Nautch girls, India, 1836–1842. Painting by Emily Eden.


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Dance Nautch- as it was called?
colonial men were amused by this art of dance & music of India

girls seems so young?
even by 13 they are stage masters?

Dancing girls & musicians from Madras, a drawing by Christopher Green, c.1800

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A nautch girl sitting at the feet of two memsahibs & singing by SC Belnos c.1820
but elders told not every woman used to dance? many were only singers-they never danced. Gauniharin गौनिहहारिन?
they sang Tume टुमैंं something like
it reminded me of those singers

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this is perfectly a party as evident from Dress of that performing dance rechristened as
replaced by flute cymbol, mridang Kanjira? & Janeu type thread on shoulders of dancer

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similar looking Party? change is in colour of cloths? that small girl is missing.
company painting
c: sothebys
taken frm pinterest

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party? as it is titled. that was common word referred to such
accompanied by clapping to-to give flow of beats?
but dress does not matches with titled-where is mentioned? or may be this troupe visited it

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Nautch girls from attracted a lot of attention of the English in India. This image from the 1860s

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