Nienna, whose element was grief, was one of the most powerful Valar. Her name contained the word nië ("tear"). Her tears symbolized pity and they saved the last fruit and flower of the damaged Two Trees. She taught Olorin/Gandalf about compassion.

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Custom Characters IRON MAIDEN, SISTER ZOIE & NIENNA Re-imagined

1 5

Three more silmarillion studies bc I'm on a roll and its good for me. Nienna, Celebrimbor and Idril. If anyone notices a little Idril<->my mum resemblance that's not an accident.

1 8

Zevran and Nienna Surana sketch ❤️

65 283

happy anniversary to the trio that started it all

🎨taratjah / ohnienna

84 406

☀️Summer is here & that means another themed icon! ft. Jun & Nienna. ⛱️
These are my first season themed icons besides holiday ones. :^)
They are $6 each. DM if you'd like one & I'll provide the deets I need from ya♥
No slot limit. I will keep these open until July 27 CST.

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