So I've done a few since my shutdown started

More pics in Twitter
Got 3 more on my desk to finish

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Finished these guys last week, but what a busy one it’s been. Probably going to return to paint some Descent next.

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O Sylvaneth tree, o Sylvaneth tree, how steadfest are your branches! I just finished for our project, check out all the pictures here:

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I've been able to get some time to paint. These dudes were fun!

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Ylthari's Guardians finished yesterday and promptly reward me by standing on their heads against Thundrik. When you have hot dice, nobody puts on a better show than Gallanghan. He went four for four in the first turn with his little deflection gimmick.. 😎

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I just can't help my self, they're too fun to write: End of Season Tier Ranking

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Three Sequitors, Ironsoul’s Condemners, all finished off! Definitely a bit rushed at the end but they’re certainly good enough to play with :) 71/

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Variety lot! 😀

Like + RT (the regular RT) and then if you need to leave a comment on thread to make sure you're having fun, go for it, ships in USA!

Rando-RTer will pick one of these!

Blood Bowl
Nightvault Case

135 153

Another gaming project: Spiteclaw's Swarm for Shadespire

24 173

Variety lot! 😀

Like + RT (the regular RT) and then if you need to leave a comment on thread to make sure you're having fun, go for it.

Rando-RTer will pick one of these!

Blood Bowl
Nightvault Case
Severina Raine

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Finished my latest warband for Underworlds! Mollog smash!! Bumpy start but really enjoyed painting these guys! 😍

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Just finished Ammis Dawnguard for Nightvault, really enjoyed painting the Anvils scheme. This is for gaming but the aim is to practice painting to a high quality, there’s parts I know to go back and fix but any feedback would be great 😊

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New Blades of Khorne (with a new Skulltaker!), Sylvaneth for Nightvault, new Chaos Marines, a bunch more, and who could that last guy be?...

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Thanks again to , Samir and Sergi, and for taking us through Mollog’s Mob and the Godsworn Hunt tonight! Both warbands (plus dice and sleeves) will be available to pre-order on Saturday.

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I finished painting this fine chap on stream and finally got a decent picture! One of Garrek's Reavers!

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