Nionova Hatchling. Coming from eggs about the size of a human fist hatchlings have a mane of hair that protects the ventrils (gill-like organs) from dirt or parasites. Also they have a pair mandibles that splits as they mature.

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Nionova Internal Organs. I don't do internal organs often cause I'm not great at biology. But I tried and that's all we can do.

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Random Nionova I was experimenting with.

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Some of my recent Nionova pics. A sapient race for my sci Fi setting called Star Date. While physically very different their society and mentality mirrors humans closely. They communicate w/ bioluminescence and spoken language from gill like organs called ventrils.

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Another Nova pic. I think i'm going to give her strips because I love stripes. Nionova wear neck ware to show off their ventrils-the gill like organs on the side of their neck.

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Another Nionova. I REALLY wanna get into the habbit of drawing my dragon spiders. Been reading 's Runaway to the Stars FINALLY! And I love how other artist can just DRAW their species with ease. Nionova are still kinda hard compared to Tuo Toa.

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Some attempts at Nionova Clothing. I think they'd be able to put pants on with help of their tail. I don't think they'd be able to cover their chest/belly though. So most of their tops are similar to ponchos or open jackets.

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A Nionova with different skin tone/pattern.

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Close up for some Star Date aliens. The Zorian, the Angoraa, the Killian and the Nionova. Hardest part is trying to come up with communal locations, i.e. the Citadel or Coruscant ( but i might have an idea)

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Nionova design update. I wasn't super happy with the "human" Digi-legs. Also tried to show off more of their bioluminescence.

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