기상천외한 형태가 가득한 Ancyloceratina아목 암모나이트의 다양성을 일부 보여주는 사진. A. Turrilites costatus, B. Colchidites breistrofferi, C, D. Nipponites mirabilis, E, F. Didymoceras stevensoni.

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1904年に地質学・古生物学者の矢部長克(ヤベ ヒサカツ)が、新種をアンモナイトの化石を発見したことから。それは後に「Nipponites mirabilis(ニッポニテス・ミラビリス)」と名付けられたんだ!


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17. Ammonoidea: mirabilis, un ammonite de mediados del Cretácico (90 Maños) cuyos restos se han hallado sobre todo en Japón. Su concha adoptaba formas irregulares y enrevesadas, que seguramente limitaban su capacidad de nado

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Nipponites are one of my ultimate favorites. Distant cousin of modern nautilus, but the shell was a long curly pretzel tube. We are not sure how they lived and why their shells did that.

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The pupils of living cephalopods can range from circles, to rectangles, to more complex "W" shapes. Here, I've gone with a totally speculative "lute" shape, just for kicks. Happy everybody! Have a great weekend

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Line drawing of that most labyrinthian of ammonites, the Cretaceous Nipponites. I tried to go for a unique appearance for the soft tissue, and ended up with this vaguely octopus-looking, stalk-eyed form that's doing...something with its tentacles.

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Highlights from the Invertebrate Nipponites, Attercopus, Telephina and Gigatitan (yes, stupid name).

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