Stan Lee would have turned 100 today. Happy birthday, Stan!

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Zero Two Artwork!

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“When time shall serve, there shall be smiles” ~ Henry V (A2,S1).

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This is Supergirl.
Shadow of the Kraken *Newest campaign*

City of Venus: Dead City & Art Books Vol.1 & Vol.2
Through the Woods Hardcover

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SNUFF『Snuffsaidbutgorblimeyguvstonemeifhedid'ntthrowawobblerchachachaachachachachachachachachachachayou'regoinghomeinacosmicambience』(1989年)スナッフの名盤。イギリスのハードコアパンクバンド。早すぎた哀愁あるメロコア。ジミ・ヘンドリックス『Purple Haze』のカヴァーも収録。#SNUFF

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Today, we at "Inner Demons" honor Stan Lee on the anniversary of his passing. Thank you for everything, Stan. You made us all feel like we could be heroes if we worked hard and did the right thing.

Art by GR legend

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Aramis! 'nuffsaid!
(Art )

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It's Thor but a giant sea walrus version. With a turtle shell that acts as armor.

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Film 21 of the year 12/10 loved every minute of it. Great finish to first 10 years of Marvel, might not see universe building film making like this again

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So went to see yesterday and I BLOODY ENJOYED it loved the tribute scroll to

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Stanley Balls hat die ultimative Eintrittskarte für jeden Club: seinen epischen Sixpack! Aber nur in Kombi mit dem Kissy-Face xD

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