13. Eclipse | Затмение

Egil | Эгиль
He deserved more.

3 12

11. Raven | Ворон

Varis | Варис
A very appropriate name.

3 17

Yes, I continue this challenge in the winter, because I still have characters that I want to show.

9. Bad person | Плохой человек

Thiazi | Тьяцци
Sometimes life makes people evil.

3 16

8. Winter | Зима

Alma | Алма
We finally got to the girl who started it all.

4 15

7. King | Король

Agnar | Агнар
Not everyone wants to take the throne.

3 17

5. Death | Смерть

Signar | Сигнар
The most suitable character for this prompt.

4 13

3. Bard | Бард

Hilarius | Иларий
Will bring fun to your sullen life.

4 12

2. Bride | Невеста

Inga | Инга
Not really happy, not really upset.

3 21

Here I'll start a thread with my characters This is a good challenge to get to know them.
I will not draw all themes and will choose them at random.
Aaand i think??

1. Hunter | Охотник

Iain | Йэн
Yes, that's not his real name for some reasons.

5 33