I immensely enjoyed 's conference “Ill Met by Moonlight” on all things Gothic Faerie. A big thanks to organizers . Do follow for more information & hopefully recordings of the brilliant presentations.

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My Gothic fairy makeover. She's cute but a bit overfond of blood and straddles the boundaries of Love and Death, Thantos and Eros

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Slight technical gremlins, but it does mean gets to complete her bingo with help from fairy greatmother

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Baring Gould (the werewolf guy) also acknowledges fairies and fairy worlds does not have the same fear in his lifetime as previous generations, asking if in the future there would be a bacterial Midsummer Night's Dream as trad beliefs fade

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Current images of fairy in contemp culture are based off the JM Barrie's Tinkerbell, laterly filtered through Disney. Very few have a grotesque appearance, and are not dangerous

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Warner's ideas of Phantasmagoria puts a duplicity on sight and vision, with illusion being aligned with the devil in certain circumstances

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Finally we have with The Perpetual Hauntings of Borderland Creatures: Finfolks and Selkies in European and Inuit Tales of the Sea

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Opium used as a way to 'travel' to these landscapes, a chaotic hallucination. Intensified colours 'hold a flavour' in which could be translated to art

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Next up is Dr Prachi Priyanka with paper 'Victorian Fairy Painting: Exploring the unknown, forbidden and concealed anxieties of the era'

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Ready for another day in dark fairyland? Why yes I am. 🖤
Away with the Fae!

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Inspired by the discussion of fairies, butterflies, and death, here’s my contribution to . Very much enjoying the conference and had fun with this creative makeover activity 🧚‍♀️ 🦋 ☠️

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Yet Melusine's mother encourages her to reject her fairy heritage and instead choose humanity. She is determined not to be reduced merely as a beautiful object. But she can only turn into half a snake because of her human passion

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Next we have our plenary by Dr Sam George on 'Fairy Lepidoptera: The Dark History of Butterfly-Winged Fae'

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- on the dangers of eating fairy fruit in Lud-in-the-mist. The magical fruit is stored in coffins - emerald green raspberries, tawny grapes and crimson grapes...

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Next up the incomparable on 'Fairy Carnival: Music, Dance, and food in the re-enchantment if modernity from Hope Mirlees's Lud-in-the-mist to paranormal romance'

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Getting ready for day two of conference by Yesterday was fabulous and today looks even better.

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In the Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves play, a wicked demon of the black forest seeks to kill him, but a fairy of the waters aids him. These additions don't detract from the main story, and it concludes with a celebratory dance between fairies and nature spirits

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Next in Eco Faery 1 we have Dr Kaja Franck on 'No weapon forged by mortal or get can harm the Iron King': imagining the environmental apocalypse in Julia Kagawa's Iron Fey series'

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NYMPHOLEPSY: A word for fairy abduction taken from Classical culture. (Image: Arthur Rackham, 1933, for Christina Rossetti's 'Goblin Market')

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