oww yeahh i had an art trade with

65 673

Oww, first edition has been Collected by , thank you so much dear for your support, i appreciate 🙏☺️🥰

💎Pastoral Look
9/10 Edition
On sale only 3 on
Link Below 👇

10 16

(T//-//T) Oww how exciting, thank you very much for the compliment!! ♡♡

0 2

-how do they cheer you up oww ❤️

-you convinced me with the tea 7v7

- and Noelle is not yet a knight... cof cof sorry

0 4

Oww i would like to see your opinion on my avatar, she's a celestial wolf and daugther of the Goddess of the sun

0 0

Oww chiwi!!
Feliz cumpleaños! QwQ 💚🥹✨
Espero y te lo pases super bien!!! Te mando muchos abrazos y muchas felicitaciones! QwQ ✨
Tqmmmm! 💕✨

0 1

Oww mais go je te présente ma chère Louve céleste Okamia

0 2

rascunho que eu joguei cores em cima da sadie miller porq ela é uau W OWW wiwu wuau.

5 47

Oww gracias por el dibujin !! 🥺💜💜

37 133

Trying to render a tree for this redraw I'm doing and OWW

0 11

haha oops ouch oww ouch oww oops haha

0 17

Oww! Internet can be a lot sometimes.. (yes, that's Instagram and YouTube as 😹)

5 77

Oww thankyou for the chance💚

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Lachlan: She’s poking me!!

Unikitty: It’s free air. *Lachlan “bites” her* Oww!! Why you-!!

*they explode into a cloud of fists and feet* https://t.co/ptlty31zlS

0 0

❤️✨Hilo de Iconos ✨❤️

💛: Trolli... -Le entrega la carta- ten... esto es para ti...

🧡 : Oww Mike -tomo aquella carta y acto seguido le entrego el ramo de flores, para darle un beso en la mejilla-

💛: G-gracias... -se ruborizo-

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