Currently exhibiting online with member combines watercolour with drawing to incorporate mark making & texture in her work

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Outstanding work from art check out their page for more great art work.
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' New/ Crazy guys/🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️palette knife oil painting; framed in white wooden frame; Sold'

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There must of been something yummy in the water because I turned around from painting and there were a thousand seabirds in the surf.

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Painted today in Ocean Beach, CA. Started with a sunny day with high tide. Fog comes in, tide goes out, artist better have good visual memory.

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Après de longues années à espérer une sortie vidéo, le téléfilm (Je peux entendre l'océan), du studio va finalement être proposé en France le 01 février... sur Netflix.
J'espère que cette belle initiative sera suivie d'une édition blu-ray. 🤞

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Making 3D Resin waves video is up on my channel
This was a fun piece to make and also very challenging at parts I learned alot of new things hope you enjoy the video.

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Pappy's Point, painted today at Sunset Cliffs, CA. Wind shaking everything around and stripping the warmth from my body.

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Painted today at Sunset Cliffs. A pretty lively time with the wind hitting my umbrella and buffeting the easel.

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Second illustration for MerMay! Thought it would be cool to have malu (Samoan tattoos for women) going along her tail. Waves and shark teeth.

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