Heroes Brush Hour live now!!! Come join us for speed paint action!

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HEROES BRUSH HOUR TONIGHT AT 8PM/CST!!! https://t.co/5OgydqRu4o it's a speed paint competition check us out!!!! p.s. check out this awesome art by my buddy

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WIP... gonna get some rest now and I am high on melted styrofoam fumes... no pain no gain! Anywaysss, More to do, but the basic shape of this monster is about done!

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Whipped this bad boy up the other day. A classic model, Slaves to Darkness Chaos Lord. Found him in pieces at Adepticon in the endless bins of used stuff! Made his base nice and tall so he doesn't look as tiny next to the newer stuff hehe.

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Basing is important! One Beastman standard bearer, painted with Contrast. I did a while army if these fellows in contrast so went nuts with the basing to kick them up a notch haha. I think it turned out well!

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Here's a fun mini I painted! Used him as a heavy for my Scavvy gang. Not sure the manufacturer of this one tho. I did a little conversion turning his rifle into a spear launcher!

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