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I have been having a great time sharing ‘Lights On Cotton Rock’ with people these last few days and weeks. My 4th author/illustrator book is in the shops now AND I’m happy to say that I’m about to start drawing number 5 too :) 👽⚡️🛸

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Hello all. I thought that you might like to see some of the alternative cover layout versions for ‘Lights On Cotton Rock’...these didn’t quite make the cut as we felt that they were either too busy or too confusing.

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Lights On Cotton Rock is “a Close Encounters Story for the under 5’s” according to The Daily Telegraph. Whilst I LOVE that description, I can promise earthlings of any age will enjoy it too👽💫🛸 Out Now.

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Just 1 MORE WEEK until ‘Lights On Cotton Rock’ blasts off into the world. I cant wait to hear what you all think 👽🛸💫

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This story is quite literally out of this world and ’s illustrations are EVERYTHING! His use of light and shade add an additional dimension to this extra terrestrial encounter shares the magic and wonder of Space but with a cautionary tale

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