Tsurugajo castle park 360 photomapping completed. Map: Chiriintizu, App: Kashmir

0 3

OpenStreetMap の整備状況を、国土数値情報 道路密度・道路延長メッシュデータの総延長と3次メッシュ毎に比較してみた。

4 7

New Project: Flights to Rome A data visualization of the entire global 🚗 and ✈️ mobility network.


w/ Data: and

54 149

Within days of the Brumadinho dam disaster, OpenStreetMap contributors were able to use Sentinel-2 imagery to produce a detailed outline of the mudflow: https://t.co/UqGciTXs2N as highlighted on this map created to illustrate the wikipedia article: https://t.co/KplOvrSVN1

86 139

La c'est presque fini mais ce week-end à il y a aussi les !
Venez conjuguer et avec la promenade en accès libre, à 14 h ou l'atelier-rencontre à 15 h.

4 4

Listen to Andy Allan (), cartographer and the creator of OpenCycleMap as the talks about how he got involved with the OpenStreetMap project and ended up creating activity-specific maps at a global scale


5 11


地図は©OpenStreetMap contributorsよりhttps://t.co/NYxR62SYR7

106 220

Recherches d'autres stimulants pour affiner encore : il y a des endroits qui frisent la "surqualité" Ici, zoom sur la zone éco au sud d'Orange : les détails sont poussés du bâti à la voirie en passant par les espaces naturels. https://t.co/Zq0pTVUCXv

3 8

Amusant : j'ai créé une nouvelle mission pour définir les emprises des hôtels en Vaucluse et je tombe sur celui-ci qui utilise

0 6

Two new countries available on Osmose-QA! We was think we cover the whole world. Now San Marino and Vatican City are also available. https://t.co/ixMKOgHcSG

5 7

Researching power of maps to understand how to navigate interconnected and invisible health and social challenges.
Mobility and Ebola outbreak in W Africa by and households maps w roads in Guinea

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(OpenStreetMap contributors)

0 1

大阪府の道路(OpenStreetMapのデータ)をCity Roads(https://t.co/ruZKVnX116)より出力

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((C)OpenStreetMap contributors)

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Day 2: lines

I used data from and to visualise global railways. I think the data comes from OpenStreetMap, the American Digital Cartography and Global Discovery.

More info in https://t.co/3MNh9EKe0r

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day 3 – polygons.

Voronoi polygons showing the nearest (linear distance) tube station for each point in London.

Data: ©OpenStreetMap contributors
Tool: QGIS

7 22

New administrative divisions of Ukraine after 2020
Day 15: Connections
Data: contributors, personal

28 203

🎨 I mapped my neighbordhood in the style of an artist
👉Can you guess who❓

🎁Only OSM Data
🌟Only Geometry Generators (and )

Location : https://t.co/auHtgw1moj

11 32

Complex hipped roofs are now supported by Blender-OSM addon. The addon successfully treats 99.99% of hipped roofs in OpenStreetMap. The feature is currently available in the experimental mode of the premium version. Update of assets is also required.

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