Oromë era un Vala y uno de los Aratar, también conocido como el Cazador de los Valar y el Gran Jinete. Se le considera uno de los más poderosos de los Valar.

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Yo también ando sospechando que se trate de los valar, pero apostaría un piedrólar a que Oromë va más por aquí 👇

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Oromë hunting

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Oromë Aldaron the Huntsman and Vána the Ever-young.

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No longer a benevolent Oromë, this corrupted hunter god has found new prey, and there's nowhere to hide with all his eyes in search.

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Furthering my series of Radiant vs Corrupted ainur. Here's a radiant Oromë

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Tilion is described as hunter from the company of Vala Oromë, a reckless but nevertheless loyal and kind figure. He is drawn by the splendor of Arien, and often comes near her, but the flame of Arien scorches him, creating dark spots on the moon.

🎨: Ingvild Schage

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“It is told that when the hosts of the Eldalië departed from Cuiviénen Oromë rode at their head upon Nahar, his white horse shod with gold; and passing northward about the Sea of Helcar they turned towards the west.” — The Silmarillion

Artwork by Cinvira

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Oromë - the Hunter Vala. Some inspired illustrations I did in prep for a spear which I forged-to-life a few years ago.

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