CoC『嗤う人間師』 初日セーブ!

PC4:Theodore Felix Wright/箱入りゆうれい


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PC4:Theodore Felix Wright/箱入り

1日目セーブ! 色々起きててドキドキ……!

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Hunter Concept - Nathaniel Norwell, "Witch Hunt".

186 771

I did 1984 Orwellian type theme of dystopia. I think this art really captures the imaginations of some that read it.

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Now it feels like spring- plodding along the Orwell this AM looking for scoter when sent a pair of BNGs over from the north shore to keep me amused. Up periscope every time a Herring Gull went over.

7 41

My Dystopian Future collection on Tezos blockchain. Now you can buy it with $ETH! Link in thread.

• Destroyed / Falsified / Rewritten •

“He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it.” ~ George Orwell

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"Nel tempo dell'inganno universale dire la verità è un atto rivoluzionario". (George Orwell).

55 185

Frosty Francine if she was born in 1986 watching the first plane hit the world trade center, uttering her famous catchphrase of naming book titles that are high school reading comprehension that she cant read: Clockwork Orange! The tower has fallen! No… George Orwell 1984… https://t.co/fb6uNSFTtH

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next boxxy show march 24th bar orwell w a bunch of friends

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Boom. This classic issue, which has been shovel down the Orwellian memory hole. I was there, this happened.

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Language ought to be the joint creation of poets and manual workers... ~George Orwell

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POLL: Which is our reality closest to - Huxley's Brave New World or Orwell's 1984?

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Reading Fido Nesti's 1984 comic book adaptation...I've read 1984 before but didn't clue in until now the Physical Jerks...mandatory physical exercise via the telescreen is just a Peloton precursor.

was in 1949; dude got so much right. It's all scary.

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DEATH BATTLE! George Orwell & Parfait Cookie with VTOL Warship vs General JuJube Cookie

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Orwell, Welinda and Wallace, the whale family living in the biggest house in town.

They are quite whalecoming! (whale, not all of them... Wallace is a bit shy) 🐋🐋🐋 https://t.co/FoNEmdZDnp

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