Rough draft vs final. Amazing how much having carefully-researched, accurate anatomy can alter your composition.

You know, something AI can’t do, because it’s just randomly mashing images together.

55 452

There's always a fine line to walk when reconstructing the unknown details of extinct animals in but the more I learn about living animals the more I am convinced that we wouldn't believe _real_ animals were real if we'd only seen them in art.

15 64

This is why it's so important to share our w/ our collaborators & publicly. People need to see & learn from all the research, measurement, anatomy, comparison & discussion that goes into thorough In good there is a story in every detail.

16 79

This is actually relatively few for me to make in order to make a illustration, in part because gave me great feedback & ideas, which helped evolve the piece from its humble beginnings.

I hope you enjoyed this thread.

5 30

When I scan and watermark a then realize it’s gonna bother me knowing I did t paint every individual scale. So yeah here’s a WIP

16 111

Detail of the painting. Some of the animals are genuinely hard to spot. We wanted it to be as natural-looking as possible for so many taxa in one shot. 🦖 🐊 🐢 🐟

5 12

We have so much more to show you. To learn more about the of reconstructing & a link to the scientific paper check out my blog here:

& for & & scientific papes here:

2 36

Lots of research went into pretty much every aspect of this reconstruction. Here’s the concept sketch I pitched to the academy initially that got me the job.

7 23

Sorry it has been a while since I have checked in, I had burnt out a little on this painting and needed a bit to get back into the swing of things and work the visual issues a bit.

3 27

😅 i *might* have overbuilt this video...

The 4.5hr render in progress is 35 seconds of colorful evolutionary tree inspired by 's phylogenetic analysis...


8 55

Just a quick lil suthn suthn i tossed together for the / video I'm finishing up... (inspired by evidence)

54 302

Here are some stages of making this artwork. I started off by making some sketches on paper and when I came up with a nice composition I started drawing digitally. From there it was a matter of coloring and detailing.

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