Não tem nem um ano de What If...? E a Capitã Carter já :
Ganhou Hq solo
Apareceu em Avengers Forever Infinity
Apareceu em Live Action

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Your local cosplay shop just called. They’re selling their Captain Carter costume for 50% off. Top not included.

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Fala galera, a hq da Capitã Carter foi lançada no dia 09 de março, a adm achou esse link com o primeiro capítulo serão 5 no total. Lembrando que não é a mesma Capitã de What If.

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What If... Peggy & Natasha enjoy cupcakes, tea, and some laughs 💖 for the fanzine/cookbook.

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Fake reference for just wanted to see what an animated series mock up could look like ✨

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all I can think about is and a modern 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

Who’s making her do this trend?👀 Natasha maybe? Perhaps..

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