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another sprite remake of my two characters from my game... this time i made them taller and changed their idle pose (you know, less stiff). Feedback would be appreciated!

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Because of some reception towards the artstyle of my game. On next update of my project, the style would become 32-bit instead of weird mix of 8-bit and 16-bit. This is how it will look like

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プロジェクトゲームのイントロスクリーンアートが完成しました! 遅かったらごめんなさい。#インディーゲーム

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Emoji collections of Rumi, Aiko and Yuuna. I added new emotes for each of them, Rumi and Aiko got the "V-sign" emoji, and Yuuna got heart emote and teddy bear hug. Made for my discord server!

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私のゲームのイントロ画面のアートワークを描くのはほぼ終了しています.... 次のステップは、この画像を私のゲームに入れ、それがゲーム内でどのように見えるかを記録することです。#インディーゲーム

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I am also making some sprites more anatomy accurate and adding "motion" to some sprites so it would look more lively. Here's comparison images. the "before" and "after".

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Something i drew for my own Discord server. The character is Sayaara the astronomer from my own game project "Phoenix Saviors". She goes "wow!"

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