Hmm wonder which flavor she chose...🤔

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"Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." ~#AlbertEinstein, Re the delusion of separateness. Happy Birthday, Albert!

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Happy Pi day with Lucy the Dinosaur. What's your favorite Pie?

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It’s pi day which means it’s also pie day. Therefore have my OCs with the name Pie

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Happy Pi Day!

Wigan, the deity of Pie and Pi, is without pier amongst the gods. He, and his divine consort Ashet exist in a pattypantheon of their own. Beloved by mathematicians, bakers and gourmets alike.

Read more

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(1/3) En este quiero presentarles a la informática japonesa Emma Haruka Iwao, quien en 2019 batió el récord en el cálculo de decimales de Pi (π) alcanzando 31.415.926.535.897 de dígitos! (eso es 9 billones más q el récord anterior)...

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Yo! It's March 14th, and that means today is Pi Day! π

It's also the birthday of Turtle. Born to teach, she likes to refer to her lessons as turtorials.

Her name references the Logo language, and in a past life, she was named Lilo Boots, a Linux reference. 🤓

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本日3/14は ‼︎
アメリカでは今日はホワイトデーではなく、National Pi Day だそうです!既にこのタグ で盛り上がり始めてました☺️

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Tux Paint's directional brushes use trigonometry to determine what angle your mouse is moving when you paint.

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