Today’s book recommendation is very topical

“The Next President” by and .

It is a book full of respect, facts and hope for the highest office in America.

A book that sums up hopes and aspirations and encourages children to dream.

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Day 8 in the I did kind of nominate myself but thanks and .

“Instructions” By and Charles Vess. Profound, truthful, life-affirming

Definitely in my all time top 5 picturebooks ever.

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Here is my Day 3 in the I did kind of nominate myself but thanks and .

“The Feather” by Margaret Wild and Hope, kindness, redemption

I won’t nominate unless someone wants one. (If so DM me)

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Here is my Day 2 in the I did kind of nominate myself but thanks and .

“Bug in a Vacuum” by Profound, Funny emotional (5 stages of grief)

I won’t nominate unless someone wants one. (If so DM me)

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